Paying too much rent?

Fill in the fields and click ‘Check rent’

Condition of kitchen

Very poor


Condition of bath/toilet

Very poor


* The result of rent screening is indicative and non-binding. Read more about result disclaimers here. N.B. The leased property must have been in use before 1992.

Make sure you have home insurance

In Denmark, a home insurance policy, or indboforsikring in Danish, is an insurance policy that covers many things in your home, such as compensation for possessions stolen from your (locked) home. A home insurance policy also covers possessions that are damaged by fire, vandalism, or water. However, there is another reason to get home insurance that is frequently overlooked: Specifically, legal expense coverage. In some cases, legal expense coverage covers the costs of private cases, which you can read more about here.

This legal expense coverage, included in contents insurance policies, is often overlooked in Denmark. Because of this, at, we often have users who call us with worries about how much it will cost for us to represent them. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, we can reassure them that as long as they have contents insurance, our assistance will most likely be free to them.

So, don’t forget to get home insurance! You can get quotes on contents insurance policies here.

More about rent in Denmark