
Opening hours

Monday 09:30-16:30
Tuesday 09:30-16:30
Wednesday 09:30-16:30
Thursday 09:30-16:30
Friday 09:30-15:00
Saturday Lukket
Sunday Lukket

Help us help you

Psst! You can also call us on +45 71 75 00 00 (opening hours), or request a call:

More about how we assess your options

We’ll evaluate your case, and any legal action will be taken in co-operation with Advokatfirmaet Hedehøj (Hedehøj Law Firm) (Hedehøj Law Firm).

Send us your case — you can be sure we’ll represent you well.

Here’s how we process your case:

  1. You send us your information and upload your documents.
  2. We’ll evaluate your case (for free). If there’s any additional information we need, we’ll contact you to get it.
  3. Once we’ve evaluated your case, we’ll send you a written assessment and our recommendations on where you are now and how you can proceed.
  4. If we determine that you could use some help resolving your case, we’ll send an offer for you to accept.
  5. Once we’ve received your acceptance, we’ll begin by attempting to discuss the issue reasonably with your lessor.
  6. If this doesn’t help, we’ll take your case to a residential rent tribunal or the courts.