Opening hours
Monday 09:30-16:30
Tuesday 09:30-16:30
Wednesday 09:30-16:30
Thursday 09:30-16:30
Friday 09:30-15:00
Saturday Lukket
Sunday Lukket
Help us help you
Psst! You can also call us on +45 71 75 00 00 (opening hours), or request a call:
More about how we assess your options
We’ll evaluate your case, and any legal action will be taken in co-operation with Advokatfirmaet Hedehøj (Hedehøj Law Firm) (Hedehøj Law Firm).
Send us your case — you can be sure we’ll represent you well.
Here’s how we process your case:
- You send us your information and upload your documents.
- We’ll evaluate your case (for free). If there’s any additional information we need, we’ll contact you to get it.
- Once we’ve evaluated your case, we’ll send you a written assessment and our recommendations on where you are now and how you can proceed.
- If we determine that you could use some help resolving your case, we’ll send an offer for you to accept.
- Once we’ve received your acceptance, we’ll begin by attempting to discuss the issue reasonably with your lessor.
- If this doesn’t help, we’ll take your case to a residential rent tribunal or the courts.