How does it work?


calculate if you rent is fair

Use our calculator on the site for a preliminary rent check

Our calculator was developed together with a number of Danish renters’ associations in order to offer you the most reliable and accurate service possible. Using the calculator is anonymous!


Get a specific, personalised assessment — with no costs and no obligations

If our calculator shows that you may be able to save some money, we can give you a specific, personalised assessment of your particular situation. In that case, you’ll be asked to provide some additional information on the site. Of course, we’ll protect all your personal information!

lejekontrakt, huslejebetaling og eventuelle varslinger bedes indsendt så vi kan kigge din sag igennem


vi diskuterer din lejesituation med dig med henblik på at få en lejenedsættelse

We’ll discuss your options with you

After we evaluate your situation, we’ll give you an overview of the options you have to lower your rent. Whether we remain involved past this point is up to you.


We’ll handle your case

If you wish, we can file a case on your behalf to have your rent lowered. Such cases are typically filed with the local residential rent tribunal or in housing court. Our lawyers specialise in these kinds of cases, so they can handle your case from start to finish.

vi kan efter dit ønske føre en sag om en lejenedsættelse for dig ved huslejenævnet og ved boligretten