About us
CheckRent.dk is the leading online rent checker that lets you see if what you’re paying for rent is fair. We also offer legal assistance via competent lawyers for renters who wish to file a case to have their rent reduced. For many years, CheckRent.dk has helped renters to determine whether the rent they pay is fair. There are three ways we help renters:
- Preliminary rent screening on the site (Free)
- Specific assessment of rent cases (Free)
- Legal assistance in filing rent tribunal and housing court cases (no-cure-no-pay)
Our algorithm for the preliminary rent screening was developed together with a number of Danish renters’ associations in order to offer you the most reliable and accurate service possible.
CheckRent.dk is offered and owned by Tjek Din Leje ApS.
The team behind CheckRent.dk
Martin Goldschmidt
Cand.jur & Cand.merc
I can help you with residential rent laws, commercial rent laws, real estate transactions, contract law, business law, and insolvency law.