The importance of home insurance (indboforsikring) in Denmark

A home insurance policy is essential to every household in Denmark. It covers the household’s possessions — both for Danish citizens and foreigners.

However, there is another reason to get home insurance that is frequently overlooked: Specifically, legal expense coverage. In some cases, legal expense coverage covers the costs of private cases, which you can read more about here.

These include disputes regarding private lease agreements, compensation, and the sale of commonhold and co-owned properties. In other words, your legal expense coverage may cover your court costs if we represent you in a case to have your rent reduced. It is also highly likely that the cost of retaining a lawyer for your case will be covered.

This legal expense coverage, included in contents insurance policies, is often overlooked in Denmark. Because of this, at, we often have users who call us with worries about how much it will cost for us to represent them. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, we can reassure them that as long as they have home insurance, our assistance will most likely be free to them.

So, don’t forget to get home insurance! You can get quotes on home insurance policies here.